The Business Anointing

We very seldom, if ever, think of Jesus as a businessman. Yet, the Bible clearly states that Jesus was a carpenter – a craftsman – a successful businessman (Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3).

I give credit to Ed Silvoso, author of the book “Anointed for Business” for bringing the business side of Jesus to my attention, and after reading only the first couple of chapters, I feel compelled to share some snipets with you, my readers.

Even though I have never seen this aspect before, it stands to reason that the Son of God – the Creator of the Universe – would do some creating in a natural environment. Not only was Jesus the ‘carpenter’s son’, but he was the eldest son in the family; and Jewish tradition stipulated that the eldest male would have to take over the family business after the death of the father. Jesus, being the first born son of his family was placed in this position, and therefore, according to tradition, had to learn his father’s trade while a teenager.

As an adult in this position he would be responsible for calculating the costs and prices of the business in order to make a profit to provide for his family. The Bible says that at twelve years old, when Jesus was missing from among his family’s company in Jerusalem, his parents searched frantically for him and found him in the Temple. His mother, as mothers would do, rebuked him for being insensitive to them, and Jesus returned with them and was obedient to them. I see from this that it was not time yet for Jesus to do His Heavenly Father’s business, but it was time for him to do his earthly father’s business.

Jewish tradition, as pointed out in the book, required that “a rabbi had to master a trade and exercise it honestly to support himself to be able to teach for free”. So I see from this that Jesus had to prepare now for His ministry later. He had to learn how to support himself to fulfill His greater mission. So the scriptures say that Jesus was obedient to them and he grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people. (Luke 2:45-52)

I therefore have to assume from this that Jesus excelled in business. I believe He was a great communicator, a workman of integrity and exercised mercy when it was needed.

Up to this point we have overlooked or taken for granted the business side of Jesus, but now it should solidify our intentions and motivate us to continue to work in an manner to positively influence the lives of others by providing excellent goods and services.

Once again the Bible teaches us!! Once again Jesus is our example. Indeed He is our Motivator!

Know that God is interested in your success in business! After all, in addition to being the Master Craftsman of the Universe, Jesus also was a master craftsman for over 20 years while on earth.


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That Shouldn’t Stop Your Success

A friend of mine shared how people didn’t understand her zeal and passion for success in what she was doing, and it occurred to me that they didn’t understand Jesus either.  That didn’t stop Him, however, from achieving His purpose; and it shouldn’t stop you either!

In the town where Jesus grew up and lived, many people looked at him only as Joseph’s son (the carpenter’s son – Matt. 13:55).  They were totally un-impressed with him, despite the fact that He was exhibiting the power of God in His life.

Jesus went about doing good (Acts 10:38). He was anointed for that mission.  Everything He did benefited the other person, yet He was criticized for it.

The lesson I take away from this is that Jesus didn’t try to convince his critics, He simply moved on to other places where He was accepted.  This is also what He instructed His followers to do. ‘If they don’t accept you, shake the dust from your feet” (Luke 9:15) and move on to another place.

I like Jesus’ attitude!! This is the attitude we need to adopt in various aspects of our lives.  Don’t cry over spilled milk. Don’t let the opinions of others keep you from achieving your success.  Whether that success is in business or otherwise, go on to achieve your dreams or purpose – just as Jesus did!

Look at the great influence Jesus has on the world even to this day!  Do not deprive your ‘world’ from the good that is theirs. Persevere and achieve good success!!

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How are You Hearing?

During my devotions this morning, I got an awesome revelation.

I was reading Genesis Chapter 3, and when I came to Verse 8 a statement jumped out at me. It said, “And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” I said to myself, ‘The voice of the Lord was walking in the garden?’ It may seem strange to think of a voice ‘walking’; but it brought home some truths to me.

The voice of the Lord is everywhere. What will we do when we hear His voice? He is always talking…reaching out to us. He talks in the garden (our place of comfort). He talks in the cool of the day (in our quiet time or our time of relaxation).

When we hear His voice, what is our response? Do we ignore it? Do we try to hide from it? Do we run away from it? And if so, why? Have we done something wrong? We cannot hide our sins. We cannot hide our short comings. We cannot hide our weaknesses. In that passage of scripture it was His usual custom to visit with His earthly son, and they usually had a wonderful time together. This time, however, was different. And that was a very sad day. Very sad indeed.

Don’t run away from the voice of God. It is our guide. It is our helper. The voice of God keeps us from making serious mistakes. Even if it is something you really, really want to do — if you hear that voice “walking in your garden” warning you, don’t do it!

The voice “in your garden” could be someone you trust speaking to you; or it could be that inner voice of guidance. There are consequences for going against that inner voice. After all, what is the point of having a guide who knows the way thoroughly, if you are not going to follow his instructions?


Be careful how you hear.

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Success in Ministry

Success in ministry is doing exactly what God tells you to do.

On the Saturday before Christmas we conducted an outreach to homeless men and women on the streets of Manhattan. We followed God’s instructions and saw Him intervene in people’s situation and meet their immediate need.

Besides providing a freshly-cooked meal, a pair of gloves and a scarf or hat, I was instructed to share a message which I entitled “Then Jesus Came.” As you recall, Jesus came on the scene and intervened in the circumstances of many people, bringing joy into their lives. We had the same experience this past Saturday when we heard the comments of the people we served.

We began at 33rd Street and Penn Station, and saw the hustle and bustle of people going here and there, involved in their own thoughts and actions. But we also saw the lonely look in the eyes of those who were standing still, with nowhere to go. It is to those people we reached out.

When we left Penn Station we walked along 8th Avenue towards Port Authority. You know you’re in God’s will when He confirms what He told you to do while you are doing it. As we handed out our package several recipients remarked that they were just thinking about food, and then we walked up. One recipient immediately took out his new hat and put it on, full of smiles. Another took out his food and started eating right away.

When we reached Port Authority there were several people who eagerly received their blessing. There is no greater satisfaction than in doing the will of God.

There is no better Christmas gift than the gift you can give to others who cannot return the favor. I pray that everyone reading this post will experience the joy of giving this Christmas. Most of all that you will experience the joy of receiving the greatest Gift of all — JESUS.

Let Jesus into your circumstances. It’s Christmas! Jesus Came!

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Never Give Up

Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best when he said,

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail”. 

With this in mind, I’d like to encourage you to go for it!

I am reminded of a story in the Bible of four lepers who had to sit by the entrance of the city because of their physical condition.  There was famine in the city, and besides that their enemy, the Syrians, had taken over their city.

It dawned on them one day that they had a choice.  A choice of whether to sit there at the gate and die, or risk going into the city.  They faced the possibility that if they entered the city they might die in the famine, or they might even be killed by the Syrians.  In which case they would die anyway.  However, there was a 50/50 chance that they might be captured and stay alive.

So they came to a decision.  “Why sit we here until we die?”  they said.  If death was inevitable, why not at least give life a chance?  And so they left their sitting position, and went into the city towards the camp of the Syrians.

To their great bewilderment, they found the camp totally empty!  You see, as they journeyed toward the camp, God augmented their footsteps, and the Syrians thought they heard a great army coming towards them.  So they left everything where it was and fled.  They left their houses, their horses, their food – just what these lepers needed!  Not only did they find food, they became the recipients of silver, gold and clothing; which they joyfully took for themselves.  There was even enough to share with the whole town.

What lesson can we learn from this  story?  What lesson can you learn?

First of all – don’t be afraid to take a chance.
Second – make a decision and follow through with it.
Third – When you do your part, God steps in to do His part.

When God steps in, the results are amazing.  He provides a way that you can receive a blessing, not only for yourself, but for a whole company of people.  He does beyond what you can even imagine.

So my encouragement to you today is NEVER GIVE UP.  Don’t Sit There and Die!.



To our success!




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Wealth is Not Just Money

Wealth is not just money, it includes all the things you generally do not associate with it.

To be truly prosperous a person must first of all be filled with the love of God and with His joy.  If we stop to think about it, we can see that there is a great deal of merit to the old saying “Don’t worry, be happy!”  I don’t really know the origin of this adage, but it clearly echos the Biblical message, “the joy of the Lord is my strength.”  Indeed, one of the most pronounced desires upon the heart of our Heavenly Father is that we His children be full of joy (John 15:11), and that we “prosper, and be in health – above all things.”

Prosperity then, first comes from within.  When we are full of joy it affects our health in a very positive way.  This joy causes us to be energetic, full of life and gives us mental clarity.  Conversely, if our life is stressful, we lose our drive, we realize ill health, and possibly can even experience a feeling of depression.

However, when we have an underlying joy, we are comfortable with who we are and we are not easily shaken by adversityDisappointments can come, but we are able to shift and rise above them, recognizing what is truly important in life.  We are able to draw from that inner strength – the well of joy which springs up to dissipate any other feeling.

I encourage you, my reader, not to lose your joy over everyday circumstances.  You and I are bigger than any situation we may fall into.  Do not depend on money to make you wealthy.  You already have a wealth of attributes which can cause you to bounce back from anything, and enable you to go on to create material wealth if you so desire.

Be full of joy!  Guard your health!  “Laughter,” says the Bible, “is the best medicine.”  Everything else in life will pass away, but the Word of God will never pass away.  In other words, whatever the Bible says is the truth that will stand the test of time.  So go on…throw away all thoughts of anxiety, fear, frustration or confusion – do the things that make you come alive – for that is the best kind of wealth!


Enjoying life…



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Line Up Your Priorities

A Praise and shout out to God my heavenly Father for his smooth way of handling things.

His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts.

We seldom understand what He’s doing when He’s doing it, but if we totally trust Him, eventually we see His hand.

Back in May I decided that I wanted to find a way to evangelize on the world wide web.  I wanted to spread the word of God’s love all over the world, and to encourage others in their Christian walk.  I wanted to show how the Word of God helps us in practical, everyday situations.  I wanted to show how God directs our steps, and how He is involved in our everyday affairs.

I didn’t want to write blogs and not have them seen, I wanted them to be effective.  So I conducted several searches on the internet to educate myself on optimizing a web presence.  After a few months of investigation, I found a site whose sole objective is to have everyone share freely about their business and/or opportunity.

I became a part of the group (GO IBO), and began meeting wonderful people.  In just a few days I became acquainted with a like-minded individual who shared his vision and how he is accomplishing it on the internet.  It brought to mind the verse which says “God will give you the desires of your heart.”

This act of God proved conclusively to me that (1) God loves us personally, (2) He cares about our everyday circumstances and (3) He assists us in reaching our goals.

If we have the right desires, if we put His cause first, then He grants and fulfills  those desires.

Line up your priorities and you’ll succeed.  The steps of a good man (or woman) are ordered by the Lord.

Visit the site I referred to by clicking this link:

Have a wonderful, God-filled day!

To Your Success

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Give and it shall be given

Give, and it shall be given to you.

This biblical principle is the number one way to achieve internet marketing success.

In today’s world, many people are looking for ways to achieve their financial goals.  Ministries have become victims of financial decline because their congregants have lost their jobs and are looking for ways to stay afloat.

The principle taught by Jesus Himself has now been recognized as the leading strategy for success both on and off  the internet.  Here is what the experts are saying.  When you give value to someone else, that person will listen and become a follower.  Give, and it shall come back to you.

It’s important to know what your audience wants, and then give it to them.  This is the number one marketing strategy for today.  What do you have to offer?  As I write this, I am reminded of a story in the Bible that Jesus told.  He spoke about the division of talents.  One person was given ten, one was given five, and the other was given one.  So each person received a gift.

What does this have to do with internet marketing?  Well, let’s look at what each person did with his gift.  The person who received ten talents invested those talents and gained a return of 100%.  The second person also invested his talents and gained a return of 100%.  The third person did NO investing.  The result was that he got NO return.  Jesus made the point that he should have given the money to the” exchangers” and then he would have received back what he had given, with interest.  If you don’t give, you don’t receive back again. Furthermore, you might possibly lose even what you are holding on to.

So friends, the bottom line is that you SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE.  Follow the principles of the Bible and then, as it promises, you will have good success not only in internet marketing, but in life in general.

To Your Success,




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